Organic Farming: A Lifeboat on a Sinking Ship

Organic Farming: A Lifeboat on a Sinking Ship takes us on a journey into the lives of four farmers whose backgrounds are worlds apart but who have the same goal in life - to live in harmony with nature, restore land and eat healthy. It documents how they maintain, work and live on their organic farms. A glimpse into their simple lives shows us that organic living transcends organic farming and goes beyond that - it is not limited to food but can also be applied to all other areas of life. By adopting a more conscious, healthy and eco-friendly approach, we can transform how we live and interact with nature. 

This project takes the form of a photo book and a physical exhibition.

Farming tools. Lifeboat Organic Farm

Kantharaju at work. Mayasandra Farm.

Indoor Nursery. Lifeboat Organic Farm.

In the world we live in today, we have multiple choices at the tip of our fingers. It serves us well in some spheres but can be the devil in others. Growing food is no different from anything else in this respect. Food is the backbone of our health and well-being, and the choices we ultimately make regarding what to grow, where to grow and most importantly, how to grow monumentally impact not just ourselves but the environment too. This project sheds light on exciting philosophies and approaches that organic farmers use to produce quality and healthy food while ensuring they do not overburden their land and the resources at their disposal. It delves into the benefits of organic farming – how it is acting as a ‘lifeboat’ on our sinking planet, a silver lining in this environmentally distraught world.

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